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Generate insightful and detailed reports with Weafbooks. Analyze financial data, track performance metrics, and make informed decisions with our comprehensive reporting tools.

Stock Summary & Stock Alerts

Stay informed with Weafbooks' Stock Summary and Stock Alerts. Get comprehensive overviews of your inventory and receive timely notifications to manage stock levels effectively.

Sales and Expense Reports

Analyze your financial performance with Weafbooks’ Sales and Expense Reports. Generate detailed insights into sales activities and expense trends to optimize your business operations.

Profit and Loss

Track your financial health with Weafbooks' Profit and Loss reports. Analyze revenues, expenses, and profits to gain a clear understanding of your business’s financial performance.

Human Resource

Optimize your workforce management with Weafbooks. Simplify HR processes, manage employee data, and streamline payroll and benefits administration for enhanced organizational efficiency.

Employee Holiday

Efficiently manage employee holidays with Weafbooks. Track leave requests, maintain accurate records, and ensure smooth scheduling to support a balanced work environment.

Employee Attendance and Leave Management

Streamline your workforce management with Weafbooks. Monitor employee attendance, manage leave requests, and maintain accurate records to ensure efficient operations and fair leave policies.

Employee Payroll

Simplify payroll processing with Weafbooks. Manage salary calculations, deductions, and benefits efficiently, ensuring accurate and timely payments to your employees.

Accounting & Billing

Efficiently manage your financial operations with Weafbooks’ comprehensive accounting and billing features. Streamline invoicing, automate billing processes, and gain clear insights into your financial health with ease.

Payments In / Out

Manage your financial transactions seamlessly with Weafbooks. Track and record payments in and out, ensuring accurate financial records and efficient cash flow management.


Keep a detailed record of all your business expenditures with Weafbooks. Simplify expense tracking and ensure accurate financial management with our easy-to-use features.

Cash & Bank

Efficiently manage your cash and bank transactions with Weafbooks. Reconcile accounts, monitor balances, and ensure accurate financial records for better cash flow management.

Inventory Management

Mange your stock and manage your inventory

Purchase, Sales and Returns

Streamline your purchase, sales, and returns processes with Weafbooks. Easily manage transactions, track inventory, and ensure accurate financial records for your business operations.


Enhance your retail operations with Weafbooks' POS system. Simplify sales transactions, manage inventory in real-time, and provide a seamless checkout experience for your customers.

Stock Transfer

Easily manage and track stock transfers between locations with Weafbooks. Ensure accurate inventory levels and streamline your supply chain operations for optimal efficiency.

Product Management

Manage your business products, brands, categories in simple and easy steps

Product Management

Effectively manage your product catalog with Weafbooks. Track inventory, update product details, and streamline your product management processes for better control and organization.

Brand Management

Enhance your brand oversight with Weafbooks. Manage brand details, monitor performance, and ensure consistency across all your products for a strong market presence.

Category Management

Organize and streamline your product categories with Weafbooks. Easily manage, update, and track categories to ensure a well-structured and efficient inventory system.

Connect with experts

Experience the future of accounting with Weafbooks! Sign up today to streamline your financial management, boost efficiency, and gain complete control over your business finances. Don’t wait—transform your accounting process now!


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Don't hesitate, Our experts will show you how our application can streamline the way your team works.

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  • sales@weafbooks.com
  • 256756508361